Detect and prevent theft.

Easily track down malicious users and protect your ecommerce websites!

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What's it all about?

Anticarder was built to be a central place for ecommerce project owners to collect and share data about malicious users who steal credit card information to pay for goods or services, we have dubbed them carders. We decided to start this project because we were fed up with these carders trying to steal from us too. We thought that we couldn’t be the only ones who had this problem, so we decided to bring other companies together to create a line of defense against the growing problem of carders.

How it works

  1. Search for carders via our web interface
  2. Integrate into your website to detect carders via our API
  3. Enhance the world by adding your own detected carders
10% of Americans are victims of carders 16722 queries to API today
$389 average fraud transaction


You can use the website for free while it’s in beta. We’re still figuring out if the project needs a paid version. is built by Pixeljets and Qwintry teams.